Mr.Kobushi told me "Ona-ken!" runs well on Steam NOW! ((´^ω^)) Next would be registration of promotion text and screenshots!! ((´^ω^))
09-09 23:44Kept you waiting huh? VN "Ona-Ken!" is introduced WORLD! Troublesome girl Nao made "onanism research club" inschool! http://t.co/iajKIk71K7
09-09 23:29外国の方のフォロワーが増えてきたわね((´^ω^))喜ばしいことよ((´^ω^)) I am happy to be followed by people in the west ((´^ω^))
09-09 23:07いいわね((´^ω^))アニメ屋さんてやっぱり忙しいかしら((´^ω^))『オナけん!』んのアニメも作ってほしいわね((´^ω^)) https://t.co/Hu2R6mhZyY
09-09 23:03なし水ナカナカウマイわね((´^ω^))
09-09 23:02@amanatsu_tow オナニーしたらそのアイデアにさらに磨きがかかるわよ((´^ω^))
09-09 19:04Read it with keen interest when publisized ((´^ω^))
09-09 18:55Finally, The transration for our interview with @LewdGamer was completed. Mr. Kobushi is on the way to finishing final checking ((´^ω^))
09-09 18:53We will report our situation continuously. So wait our report!! ((´^ω^))
09-09 17:41Steam told us our difficulties was because of their server. Therefore we could upload "ona-ken" on Steam server. But we have other problem..
09-09 17:35
ついにアタシがLINE界に降臨したわよ((´^ω^))IDは『@BQU5425Q』らしいから検索してみなさい((´^ω^))気が向いたら1on1でトークしてあげるわよ((´^ω^)) http://t.co/gM5plQJqfz
09-09 15:29今日のスタンドを発現ッ! スタンド名「バレー・トーク・ガイジン」! トークを理解する能力! セリフ「むむむむぅ…((´^ω^))ッ! むむむむぅ…((´^ω^))ッ!」 http://t.co/VSIzkSx5Vz
09-09 13:08Kept you waiting huh? VN "Ona-Ken!" is introduced WORLD! Troublesome girl Nao made "onanism research club" inschool! http://t.co/iajKIk71K7
09-09 07:29
- 関連記事
- 09/10のツイートまとめ
- 09/09のツイートまとめ
- 09/08のツイートまとめ